Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

Offense 1 - 3 - 1

Cutting Strong Side Pass 1


1 passes to 3 and runs towards the free throw line.  

4 sets screen for 1. 1 runs around 4 into the paint for an anticipated pass from 3

 2 runs to the point to draw defenses out from the right.

 1 shoots. 5 and 4 boxout.


Cutting Weak Side Pass 1

4 sets screen for 1 while 1 passes to 2. 2 has two options: passes to 1 or 4.
3 runs to the point to draw defenses out of the paint. 2 runs towards the perimeter for a possible 3 pointer.
When 1 receives the ball and shoots, 5 and 4 should secure the paint and box out for rebound.

Strong Side Screen Away 1

1 passes to 2 and set screen for 3, while 3 shakes off his defender. 2 passes to 5. 3 stands behind 1.
2 passes to 5. 2 and 4 sets a double screen for 3.
5 passes back to 3 while 2 and 4 maintain the screen for 3.
5, 1 and 4 should encircle the hoop by now. 3 attempts and 3 points and 5, 1, 3 secures a rebound.

Cutting Weak Side Pass 2

1 passes to 2 and 4 sets screen for 1. 3 runs to the point. 1 runs inside the paint.
1 runs towards the left end of the court while 4 runs to the right right of the paint and anticipate a pass from 2.
4 should be reasonably close to the hoop and shoots.

Cutting Weak Side Pass 3

1 passes to 2 and 4 sets screen for 1.
3 runs to the point. 1 runs inside the paint.
1 runs towards the left end of the court while 4 runs to the right right of the paint and anticipate a pass from 2.
2 pretends to pass to 4 and ditches to 3.
3 passes to 1. 1 should have a clear vision or he can passes to 5.

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